Bi-axial Autonomous roBot with Obstacle avoidance (BABO)

1Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Embedded Systems CSE 316 (July 2022)

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Introducing the sensational Bi-axial Autonomous roBot with Obstacle Avoidance, affectionately known as BABO! Imagine a robot buddy that's not only super smart but also downright jolly. BABO is like the cool kid at the tech playground, using its magical powers of Hierarchical Q learning to master the art of crawling forward with a skip in its step, all while effortlessly sidestepping obstacles like a dance on a rainbow. Picture this: BABO is your trusty sidekick, zipping around with glee, turning learning into a thrilling adventure. With BABO, it's not just about avoiding obstacles; it's a joyous journey of discovery, making every little obstacle feel like a puzzle waiting to be solved. So, buckle up, young explorers, because BABO is here to turn the world of robotics into a fantastic, fun-filled expedition!

Video Presentation

Certificate (We came second!) 🥶🤯